ABCs of Space (Baby University) (Board book)

$14.00 CAD

This alphabetical space baby book installment of the Baby University series is the perfect space introduction story for even the youngest astronomers and makes for a great space-themed baby gift!

ABCs of Space is a colorfully simple introduction to space for toddlers and grownups. Using a new astronomical concept for every letter of the alphabet, your baby will learn their ABCs as they explore the universe! Written by experts in the fields of astrophysics and mathematics, each page in this cosmic primer features multiple levels of text and learning so that the book will grow along with your little learner.

About the Author

Chris Ferrie is an award-winning physicist and Senior Lecturer for Quantum Software and Information at the University of Technology Sydney. He has a Masters in applied mathematics, BMath in mathematical physics and a PhD in applied mathematics. He lives in Australia with his wife and children.

Julia M. Kregenow, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer at Penn State University. She has a PhD in astrophysics from UC Berkeley and her BA in physics (with math and music minors) from Wittenberg University.

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