Dearest Friends,
We hope this digital letter finds you well.
If we could, we would write each of you a lovely handwritten note.
Which brings us to a project we’re currently working on with Austin Bat Cave and Foundation Communities.
One of the guiding principles of Letterpress PLAY's vision is bringing generations together. We’ve created a unique Thaumaframe—our handmade paper toy, frame, and greeting card—that the young members of Austin Bat Cave can write on and share with the older members of Foundation Communities.
So far, we have over 40 pen pal participants, and we’re thrilled to connect Austin youth with older populations to celebrate the centuries-old art of letter writing.
This is what our friend Ali Haider, the executive director of Austin Bat Cave, has to say about the program:
To learn more about the wonderful work Austin Bat Cave and Foundation Communities are doing for the Austin community, please visit their websites here and here.
We have a number of community projects we’re working on with Austin-based non-profits that we can’t wait to share with you in the future.
In the meantime, stay healthy and stay happy.
– The Letterpress PLAY Team